I'm delighted to announce that Cerberus, A World Gone To The Dogs, has gained a readership in Australia. The following review has been posted on Amazon.AU, and is very positive.
Top review from Australia
5.0 out of 5 stars Recommended reading.
Reviewed in Australia on 10 February 2024
As with Graham Pryor’s fourteen other novels, “Cerberus, A World Gone to the Dogs” leads you down an absorbing, but twisting path, along which one can never see what is coming. As I navigated my way through the ins and outs of Cerberus, I thought I had the ending figured out, only to be foiled again by the author. In his work Pryor exhibits a clever and often crafty storytelling. However, his work also expresses a deep concern for a world that he portrays as all too lacking in social justice. Recommended reading.
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