Man With A Gun was published on 28th April, and tells the tale of an unexpected inheritance in a Scottish coastal village, which launches the beneficiary into a world of smuggling, money laundering, prostitution and political intrigue. The main character is bound to prove controversial in current times, being an unreconstructed male chauvinist, but he does exhibit some saving graces, particularly when it comes to animal welfare. There is humour too, usually at the expense of politicians and establishment figures, whilst the man with a gun's absence of empathy makes most of the scenes into observable theatre.

Coming next is Alba Regained, to be released on 26th June. A fast moving story of the future war for Scotland's independence. Focusing on the adventures of two young patriots who accompany the new head of the country as he fights to preserve order, it is set against the worsening weather conditions caused by climate change, so that there are parallel narratives that, by the conclusion, join together in a catastrophic conclusion.

Further down the year should see the publication of Cerberus - A World Gone To The Dogs, which is currently in production. Cerberus involves the removal of the human race from Earth, an act undertaken by the Grey Men, aliens from deep space, and the elevation of the several species of Canidae (dogs, wolves, foxes, coyotes and others) to the position of dominant species. Gifted speech and higher consciousness by the aliens, the canids in this tale struggle to understand the gift they have been given, but in doing so demonstrate a greater sense of humanity than the species they have supplanted. It is not easy to categorise Cerberus, it is not traditional science fiction nor is it purely a social commentary. That said, it will prove to be an absorbing read - even, as has already been observed, a mesmerising experience.

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